Getting started with PATHFINDER often feels like a lot of information at once, which may make it feel overwhelming if you're brand new. We've put this post together to help you get started on the right foot.
1) Email - our weekly email, The Extra Mile, features need-to-know information, motivation, and your weekly workouts. Your Course Advisor will also reach out via email from time to time. If you're not getting your weekly emails, please let us know at
2) Facebook - the main Class Facebook page, as well as your CA-led small group Facebook pages, are important to see what's going on this week. Even though PATHFINDER is a worldwide training program, we've got lots of different posts and rosters, and Facebook doesn't always show you all of our posts. The link to your Class Facebook page is located in your Welcome email from PATHFINDER HQ.
TIP: Be sure to PIN both the Main page, as well as your small group page, as Shortcuts on Facebook. This will make it more likely that you see our posts.
Planning your PATHFINDER training is crucial to your overall training success. Closely read Everything You Need to Know on PATHFINDER Planning and print out the linked calendar (or use your own calendar) and plan your training according to your program requirements.
To find your program requirements, go to your log page, which is linked in your Welcome email from PATHFINDER HQ.
Miles are the foundation all PATHFINDER success is built upon. Our most successful rosters ruck almost every day of the week, and just like the adage, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time," the same can be said for completing your miles.
PATHFINDER mileage varies by program. The easiest way to see your requirements is to go to your Log page and scroll down to the link, "Program Requirements."
For most PATHFINDER programming, you are not required to ruck with a certain weight in your ruck.* We find most new ruckers are comfortable starting with between 9-15lbs. If you've been weight lifting or doing another resistance style workout for a while, you will likely find a ruck between 20-35lbs to be more appropriate for you. Since PATHFINDER's focus is on fitness rucking, we recommend most rosters stay within the 20-35lbs, up to 50lbs, but it's not necessary to go beyond that unless you are training for a specific event or experience that requires a heavier ruck, or you are using PATHFINDER to train for military service.
*Even in the case of some premium programs, like Advanced, rosters are only required to ruck with the required weight for Challenges only. Please read your Success and/or Training Guide for your program specifics.
How to Increase Your Ruck Weight
We encourage all of our PATHFINDER athletes to have a mixed weekly training schedule. Going "all hard all the time" sounds great in theory, but can actually make you weaker and more prone to injury. You don't have to complete PATHFINDER workouts in order to get program credit, but PATHFINDER workouts are written to complement our overall training and are most often written for basic workout equipment.

Warm Ups - Everything You Need to Know
Workouts - Everything You Need to Know
PATHFINDER Challenges are where your regular rucked miles and workouts often come together to show you how far you've come in your training. They're often a highlight of training, and we have a bunch of different options for every PATHFINDER program.
What do you want to accomplish? Schedule your Challenges to build on your skills and weaknesses. We recommend our rosters schedule their easiest Challenges first, ideally in weeks 4-6. While it's tempting to start with the hardest Challenges, we recommend you save those for weeks 6-10 of your programming. If you have any Events scheduled during that time, give yourself at least a 2-week buffer on either side before completing a Challenge.
Pick accessible Challenges Your friends might be doing a 15 Mile Overnight...but you may not be ready for that. Go with them for your 12-Miler (make sure it's in 3 or 3.5hrs depending on your program) and then call an Uber. Stick to your plans. All Challenges in our Everything You Need to Know Guides are marked with icons to make it easier to pinpoint the Challenges you need to do to get the results you're looking for.
Leave space for unexpected things Anticipate that things may not go according to plan, so leave room in your calendar for adjustments. There are several Challenges that are multi-day or multi-step, so make sure you've allotted the right amount of time for those.
Be kind? Or Beast Mode? Everyone wants to beast the *$&$ out of their Challenges, and yes - you should. BUT. Only to the best of your current ability. Be kind to your body. Always make sure you have a recovery day on your calendar after the more serious Challenges. #CTHT does NOT mean "make an opportunity for self-inflicted punishment every day." (That would be MOSIPED) #CTHT can VERY often mean "keep your training in perspective." It's easy to get carried away.
Challenge Icons - Everything You Need to Know
Staying accountable means you...
- Reach out to your Course Advisor or to Amy if you're having trouble.
- Answer your CA if they email you checking in or tag you in a post! We want the best for you, and to help you reach your goals. It's normal to be a little embarrassed, or to even feel like what you wanted when you signed up for PATHFINDER is different than what you can do. We can help - we just need to know you need it!
- Post on the main Class Facebook page or in your CA-led small group. We can virtually guarantee someone has the same question, feeling, or need for support.
- "I'll ignore it until I'll figure it out...later" never has good results. Being honest with yourself, whether it's because you feel you're in over your head or are just confused, is an important part of being a better athlete. We're here to help!
Your personal log page URL is located in your Welcome email from PATHFINDER HQ. The log serves as a portal to PATHFINDER content, like workouts, your access code, and more.

The completion dials designate how far along you are in the three aspects of PATHFINDER training. As you progress, your dial will show your progress to completion.
- The Program Requirements link is specific to your personal program requirements, and include your miles, as well as links to the available Challenges for that program.
- The Workout Library is our full library of Beginner, RUCK+, Advanced, and All Levels workouts.
- Everything You Need to Know links to the index of helpful PATHFINDER blog posts and detailed Challenge descriptions.
- Facebook Group links to the current main Class Facebook page.
- Patch Service is for missing patches only. Since PATHFINDER is a (very) small business and we maintain only small amounts of inventory in-house, your patch can take between 6-10 weeks to arrive to you. We're not Amazon, and you don't want us to be. ;)
- Email Support with questions!
- Contact your Course Advisor or Amy Petersen at support with your specific question