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Maybe You Know Where You Are? : More Navigation
This blog post was written by Mark Cichonski, longtime PATHFINDER alum, CA and founder of Fox Events. You can learn more about FOX Events here. Thi...

Which PATHFINDER Challenges are Right for Me?
PATHFINDER is known for our approach to three simple training methods to increase ruck endurance: Miles. Workouts. Challenges. Now obviously, that'...

Do You Know Where You Are?
Today's blog post is written by PATHFINDER alum and founder of Fox Events, Mark Cichonski. Mark is an expert in land navigation and dropped by tod...

Shin Splints : Rucking Causes and Fixes
Shin Splints - the bane of every new rucker. But it doesn't have to be that way. Shin splints are a common overuse injury, and something you want t...

7 Tips for Good Rucking Posture
Humans have been carrying heavy things on their backs since the dawn of time. Giant water jugs, antelopes, big backpacks with cast iron plates...if we were built to carry heavy stuff, why can rucking be so uncomfortable sometimes?

Big Changes Ahead for PATHFINDER Ruck Training Class 026!
We're excited to announce some big changes to PATHFINDER Ruck Training for Class 026 and beyond. We've got a lot of things returning to pre-Covid ...
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