Today's RUCK+ workout covers a total of 3 miles and 20 minutes of Tabata exercises. If you're not familiar with Tabata, it's most commonly a "20-seconds on, 10 seconds recovery" workout. You will need to use a timer app (we like WODTimer or GymBoss apps) to keep your timing right.
This particular workout is built with 4-minute rounds, and the exercises are super-sets. You have to be quick, focused on excellent form and prepared to change movements fast. You'll complete 4 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds recovery with one exercise before continuing to the second exercise in the set, for 4 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds recovery.
A note: If you're training for an upcoming Event, you will have to be skilled at putting your ruck on and taking it off quickly. Use this workout as a drill for fast on's-and-off's.
RUCK SQUAT Work smarter, not harder. Hold your ruck in a front rack position. Watch CrossFit legend Camille Leblanc Bazinet describe how to do a dumbbell squat -- the cues are exactly the same in a ruck squat. You're just holding your ruck on the top and bottom.
RUCK OVERHEAD LUNGES Watch this video by the Iowa National Guard on how to do a weighted overhead lunge. While he uses a plate in this video, again, the movement cues are exactly the same. If it helps, you may keep your shoulders lifted up and deltoids pressing your ears.
RUCK RUSSIAN TWISTS I've chosen this video as a great example of torso rotation and tapping the weight down parallel to hip. Elevating your feet is NOT a requirement, and I really hate seeing it because it's done incorrectly 90% of the time. (It is done well in this video.) If you want to try it, make sure you are tipped far enough back to feel the "quake" in your abs, but with a ramrod straight spine. If your spine curves out into a "C" shape at all, you need to be on your heels to prevent injury.
RUCK PLANK Shoulders or elbows is fine - your choice. Simply plank with your ruck on your back.
SINGLE LEG ROMANIAN DEADLIFT WITH RUCK This video uses dumbbells, but the movement is exactly the same. Hold your ruck by the top and bottom. Make sure your hips stay level and hip points facing the ground.
RUCK STRAIGHT LEG DEADLIFTS While this Army video uses kettlebells, you will follow the cues holding your ruck by the top and bottom in both hands.
RUCK LATERAL SQUAT Holding your ruck in a bear hug, perform lateral squats.
1 Mile Buy In
1/4 Mile Ruck
- Ruck Squats
- Ruck Overhead Lunges
1/4 Mile Ruck
- Ruck Russian Twists
- Ruck Plank
1/4 Mile Ruck
- Single Leg Romanian Deadlift with Ruck
- Single Leg Romanian Deadlift with Ruck - Opposite Leg
1/4 Mile Ruck
- Ruck Straight-Leg Deadlifts
- Ruck (bear hug) Lateral Squat
1 Mile Ruck Buy Out
*Knee Push-Ups OK