RUCK+ | Interval Ruck WOD

Todays workout is a ruck interval plan. Intervals are designed to make you faster and stronger. They don't have to be wildly complicated to work, however. This interval set-up includes three paces to work and a brief exercise component.

The first pace is your standard ruck pace that feels comfortable. You could hold a conversation if you wanted to, but your breath might catch every now and then.

The second pace is your fast ruck pace. This is the pace where it would be difficult to hold a conversation. We define a "fast" pace as anything less than a 15:xx mile. 

The third pace is your recovery pace. This is where you slow down to a level that feels like recovery for you, grab some water if you haven't yet during the interval, and regroup. 


You will need to keep track of your time and the interval you are working on. First, I copy and paste the workout into notepad on my phone to keep track, like you see in the image. Then I set my timer and begin warm-up. Once that's done, I reset my timer to the first interval set and delete each line of my copied workout in notepad as I complete it. It's some fiddling with your phone at first, making sure it all goes according to plan, but after the first round, it should feel pretty easy. This interval workout should be around 55 minutes long, including exercises, and is written to facilitate use with a stop-watch or stop-watch feature on your phone.


Start - 5:00 Warm up pace

3 min - Standard pace

3 min - Fast pace

  • 15 x Ruck Goblet Squats

2 min - Recovery pace

3 min - Standard pace

3 min - Fast pace

2 min - Recovery pace

3 min - Standard pace

3 min - Fast pace

  • 15 x Ruck Swings

2 min - Recovery pace

3 min - Standard pace

3 min - Fast pace

  • 15 x Ruck Bent Over Row

2 min - Recovery pace

3 min - Standard pace

3 min - Fast pace

5 min - Recovery pace




1 comment

  • Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?


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