Let's push some limits. This 45-minute workout is designed to target lower body strength, endurance, and explosiveness, using a sandbag and a kettlebell. 

The workout is divided into two blocks: one is strength, and the other is power and endurance. We end with an 8-minute burnout circuit. It might look like a lot, but the time goes by fast with all the variety.


  • Sandbag
  • Kettlebell
    • Both the sandbag and kettlebells can be your choice of weight


  • If needed, adjust the number of reps, time, or rounds to fit your fitness level.
  • If needed, rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.
  • Always do your warm-up to help prevent injuries.
  • Some video demonstrations may depict exercise tools other than a ruck - the same cues and form will still apply unless otherwise noted.


  • Soft count: 1, 2, 3, 4 ... this is when both (or all) limbs perform the exercise at the same time.
  • Hard count: 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4...this is when only one limb does work at a time.
  • Each Side: Do all reps on one side before switching to complete all reps on the other side.



6 x reps World's Greatest Stretch EACH SIDE
12 x reps Bodyweight Squats
12 x reps Bodyweight Good Mornings
12 x reps Glute Bridges
12 x reps Kettlebell Swings (Light)



Block 1: Strength (15 Minute Cap) | 3 x ROUNDS

12-15 x reps Sandbag Shoulder Squats ALTERNATING SHOULDERS
12-15 x reps Sandbag Deadlifts
12-15 x reps Sandbag Suitcase Lunges HARD COUNT
12-15 x reps Sandbag Glute Bridges

Block 2: Power & Endurance Tabata | 4 x ROUNDS

Work 40 seconds, Rest 20 seconds per movement

40/20 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
40/20 Sandbag Cleans
40/20 Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squats EACH SIDE
40/20 Sandbag Jump Squats

8-Minute Burnout Closer

12 x reps Kettlebell Swings
10 x reps Sandbag Front Squats
8 x reps Kettlebell Reverse Lunges EACH SIDE
6 x reps Burpees Over Sandbag


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