In memory of Pfc. Ryan C. Garbs
Pfc. Ryan C. Garbs died Feb. 18, 2007 in southeastern Afghanistan, when a MH-47E helicopter crashed while conducting operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He was assigned to Company B, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment at Fort Benning, Ga.
Garbs was a two-time veteran of the Global War on Terrorism, deploying in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom. While assigned to 3rd Bn., he served as a grenadier and riflemen.
His awards and decorations include the Army Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge and the Parachutist Badge. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal and Good Conduct Medal.
As a Ranger, Garbs distinguished himself as a member of the Army’s premier light infantry unit, traveled to all corners of the world in support of the Global War on Terrorism and fought valiantly to “uphold the prestige, honor and high ‘esprit de corps’” of the Ranger Regiment.
KETTLEBELL RDL'S: Roster can use kettlebell, dumbbell, ruck, or sandbag to complete this exercise.
SANDBAG SHOULDER SQUATS: If roster is in Life or Forward, they may perform bodyweight (air) squats. The roster may also use their ruck in lieu of a sandbag if they do not have one available.
KETTLEBELL GOBLET LUNGE: This exercise can be performed as bodyweight, with a dumbbell, kettlebell, ruck, or sandbag.
THE WORKOUT: 3-5 x Rounds
- 10 x Kettlebell Romainian Deadlifts
- 15 x Sandbag Shoulder Squats
- 20 x Kettlebell Swings
- 15 x Hand Release Push-Ups
- 10 x Kettlebell Goblet Lunge
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- BUY OUT: 1 Mile Ruck