In memory of Second Lt. Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez.
Second Lt. Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez was a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and was the first black female U.S. military officer to die in combat.
Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez was born in Heidelberg, West Germany, into a U.S. military family. When Perez was in 10th grade, her family relocated to Maryland. She graduated from Oxon Hill High School, where she ranked among the top-10 students in her class. While in high school, she began an HIV-AIDS ministry at her church and was also an educator at the Red Cross where she worked to remove the stigma surrounding AIDS diagnoses.
Perez graduated from high school in 2001 and entered the United States Military Academy at West Point. She was a driven student and a talented track athlete and became the highest-ranking black female cadet in the history of West Point.
Perez died on September 12, 2006, during a deployment to Iraq with the 204th Support Battalion, 1st Infantry Division as a Medical Service Corps officer for the United States Army.
We have modified the original Emily WOD to better fit the equipment most PATHFINDER rosters use daily.
- If you don't have a jump-rope, modify by jumping in place.
- If double-unders aren't part of your skills, perform single jumps.
- Rosters may use their rucks, sandbags, kettlebells, dumbbells or barbells for the bent-over rows.
How many rounds should I do?
- For Life and Forward rosters, perform 3-5 Rounds
- For Endure rosters, perform 6-9 Rounds
- All other PATHFINDER rosters, perform the full 10 rounds.
- There is a 50-minute time cap
To perform the original Emily WOD, replace the bent-over rows with pull-ups and replace the mountain climbers with a 100-meter sprint.
3-10 rounds for time of:
- 30 x double-unders (or singles)
- 15 x bent-over rows
- 30 x squats
- 15 x mountain climbers (hard count)
- Rest 2 minutes after each round