Beginner's Ruck Workout #8


Warm Up (no ruck)

  • 25 x jumping jacks
  • 25 x crunches
  • 15 x push ups (knee push-ups OK)
  • 10 x squats

The Work:

Performing “11s” It’s 10 of one exercise counting down…and 1 of another exercise counting up. Total reps always equal “11”

* Being a beginner workout, if 11 of anything sounds daunting, lower the rep count to 9 and follow the same sequence.

Burpees and Squats
10 Ruck Burpees and 1 Squat
9 Ruck Burpees and 2 Squats
8 Ruck Burpees and 3 Squats…until you get to 1 Ruck Burpee and 10 Squats

Same format but exercises are:
Flutter Kicks (4 count) and crunches (single count, ruck overhead)

One more time with:
Mountain climbers (4 count) and plank jacks (single count)

Rucks Off for 3 rounds of:

10 overhead squats (go slow…keep backs straight…this is a difficult movement for most…use less weight and do it right!)
10 Ruck curls

Finish with:
25 Jumping jacks (rucks off)
25 crunches
15 pushups
10 squats

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