BEGINNER | Beginner Compound Ruck Workout

Today's Beginner workout focuses on ruck-weight compound exercises. Compound exercises are movements that work multiple muscles at the same time. The more muscles we have working at the same time, the smarter and more efficient the workout will be. The world of compound exercises is enormous - it's like a buffet of movement, where you can put multiple movements together on the same plate. But we'll just be skirting around the edges as your find your groove today.

Some things to remember:

  • During this workout, remember to use your core with each movement.
  • Going slowly at first allows you the ability to go faster later. The time you take at the beginning to let your brain learn new patterns and maintain proper form leads to a more efficient (and ultimately, stronger) body.

This is also a great workout to tack miles on to at the end. You won't be trashed by the end of it, and some endurance rucking after this workout should feel pretty great.

What exercises do I need to know?

Ruck Swings IMPORTANT: To start, a ruck swing focuses on hips, glutes, hamstrings, lats, abs, shoulders and pecs. You'll want to always remember that, because focusing on those muscles injury-proofs this exercise. Ruck swings do not focus on your arms, neck and upper body. 


Swings had their start in kettlebells, and regardless of the weight used, is arguably one of the best exercises you can do for your body. All of the explosive power of a ruck swing is in your hips as it hinges.

You stand tall, holding your ruck by its handle. Core engaged, feet wider than hip width, knees soft and slightly bent, weight in your heels. Driving through your heels, explode through your hips and glutes, sending the ruck upward so that it appears parallel with the ground. At the peak of the movement, keep your core contracted while you squeeze your glutes. As the ruck descends, let the weight do the work while keeping body control. Allow the ruck to swing slightly between your knees before you proceed with the next rep.

Ruck Front Rows Standing tall, core engaged, hold your ruck by its handle at your hips. Using your shoulders and arms, lift your ruck up to hands under chin, arms flared out and level with your shoulders.

Ruck Deadlifts To properly perform a ruck deadlift, begin by standing, feet hip width apart, toes turned slightly out. Place your ruck at your feet, holding onto the handle while you are in a squat position, looking straight ahead. As you rise from squat position, engage core and glutes to stand with ruck in hand. Squeeze glutes at the top before return to your starting position.

Ruck Lunge Dips In lunge position, you rise and dip on just one side before switching to the opposite leg.

Ruck Thrusters To do a Ruck Thruster, get in squat position, holding your ruck at your chest. You will squat, and as you stand, raise your ruck up in the air (a push press).


  • 12 x Ruck Swings
  • 12 x Ruck Front Rows
  • 12 x Ruck Deadlifts
  • 12 x Ruck Lunge Dips (both sides)
  • 12 x Push-Ups (No Ruck)
  • 12 x Ruck Thrusters


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