This workout focuses on body weight exercises, followed by the same (or similar) movement using a ruck. It's been designed to work your brain as well as your body by connecting the familiarity of standard bodyweight movements and their corresponding ruck movements. If you're new to all of this, take your time. This workout is not meant to be bashed out - we'll be doing that soon enough. Right now, we're still connecting the dots. Do at least 2 rounds, but ideally, 3 - 4.
However, if you're NOT new to any of this, go for preciseness. Make sure you're increasing your heart rate while you do the work, but use this workout for form perfection. Often, when we slow down and perform the full movement correctly, the exercise is harder. Adding weight while going slowly is another option for Int/Adv rosters.
What exercises do I need to know?
Ruck Squats Standing in squat position, feet hip width apart and toes pointed slightly outward, hold your ruck in a hug. Making sure you don't tip your weight forward into your toes, squat and stand, without lifting your heels.
Overhead Ruck Press Standing tall, feet hip width apart, core engaged, holding your ruck by its sides. Press your arms up overhead, lifting your ruck high. Bring it back down for 1. The ruck press stands in for ruck push-ups, which can be sketchy for those just starting out. The movement is similar to a push-up, but with less stress on lower backs while you're gaining strength.
Body Weight Crunches So by now, you're probably realizing there's a right and wrong way to do every exercise. When you're in an event, proper form can often be pushed to the side - and that's ok. While you're training, however, form needs to be in the driver's seat. It creates muscular efficiency that will help to injury-proof you for the long term. Crunches are one of those exercises that most people pound through, their chins to chest, necks craned, and their whole posture is screaming "why does this matter???" The crunch is actually a more reliable indicator of abdominal strength than sit-ups. So how do I do this? To perform a proper crunch, your head should be cradled by your fingertips, resting on the bony crest behind your ears. Your neck should be long, and eyes looking diagonal (not straight up, not down at your knees). Lifting your shoulder blades off the ground and then lower your torso to momentarily rest on the mat before performing the next rep.
Ruck Walking Lunges Wearing your ruck on your back provides the most stability for a first step into weighted lunges. Your positioning should be the same as in a regular lunge, back knee dipping down just under your hip, hands resting on your hips. Maintain body control and fight the wobbles.
Ruck Sit-Ups Using the leverage of a ruck can be great for creating lower abdominal strength without putting as much pressure on hip flexors. Begin in sit-up position, holding your ruck at your chest. Lay down with your ruck still at your chest. As you rise, raise your ruck overhead.
Let's get going!
Ruck 1 Mile at regular pace
- 12 x Body Weight Squats
- 12 x Bodyweight Push-Ups
- 12 x Ruck Squats
- 12 x Ruck Overhead Press
- :30 Plank
- 12 x Body Weight Forward Lunges
- 12 x Body Weight Crunches
- 12 x Ruck Walking Lunges
- 12 x Ruck Sit-Ups
- :30 Plank
35# Pack
1 mile W/U: 20 mins
Total workout time: 20:47
4.25mi Ruck 1hr 3min
4 rounds of this workout 24:29
1st round 6:19
2nd round 6:30
3rd round 6:00
4th round 5:38
Used 35lb Ruck