Merry Christmas, PATHFINDER'S! We wanted to say thank you for being a part of our story. Wherever your adventures take you, we're so happy to be along on your path.

Sandbags are a foundational tool for workouts and we're using them today! Beginners can sometimes feel intimidated by using them, or make them far too heavy to be effective. (If your sandbag is too heavy your form suffers, you don't want to do the exercises, and you inevitably give up because you're not ready yet.) It's better to start with a sandbag weight you know you can do 12 reps for 3 rounds with ... or close to it. If you're an absolute beginner, there's no shame in starting small! I'd always rather a roster start less and build up than start too heavy and risk injury.


  • Soft count: 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
  • Hard count: 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4...
  • Each Side: Do all reps on one side before switching to complete all reps on the other side.


10 x reps Reach, Rock, Lifts SOFT COUNT
10 x reps Scapular Push-Ups on Elbows
10 x reps Supine Glute Bridges
10 x reps Walking Knee to Chests HARD COUNT


WORKOUT x 3 Rounds

10-12 x reps Sandbag Front Squats
10-12 x reps Sandbag Good Mornings
10-12 x reps Sandbag Single Leg RDL's HARD COUNT
10-12 x reps Sandbag Bent Over Rows
10-12 x reps Sandbag Kneeling Around the Worlds*
10-12 x reps Sandbag Bicep Curls

*Switch directions halfway to do 5-6 reps to the left, and then to the right.


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