PATHFINDER always ends the fall Class on a Halloween, and this Class, we've got a jump scare plyometric workout to get you ready (and sweaty).
Plyometrics are great for speed and agility, but they're best when done in small quantities. (You're welcome!) The most important reason for low reps in plyo is for good form. You just can't maintain good form on a jump squat, for instance, on rep 30. Because of this, I want each and every plyometric movement you do to be absolutely perfect.
If you have bad knees, walk the movements out, or do a less intense hop.
You will need a pair of dumbbells for this workout. A reminder, "Hard Count" = 1,1,2,2,3,3...count.
3 x Rounds
- 6 x Star Jumps
- 12 x Bodyweight Thrusters
- 6 x Speed Skaters (Hard Count)
- 12 x Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (Hard Count)
- 6 x Single Leg Bounds with Hold (Hard Count)
- 12 x Dumbbell Renegade Rows