Build your strength today with this push-pull, full body workout that's simple but effective. You'll do three sets of exercises in a row without taking a break. After you complete a full round of each set, pause for a 2:00 minute break. (Don't cheat yourself! Breaks are when our bodies build strength.) Even though you'll be working hard, each muscle group will get a chance to rest while the other group is doing its thing.
WEIGHTS : Pick dumbbells or kettlebells that are the right size for you. You may want a variety of weight/implements available, since some muscle groups may be stronger or weaker than others.
WORKOUT x 3-5* Rounds
*3 Rounds if you're totally new to PATHFINDER workouts, 4+ if you're already at a great base level of fitness or are using this workout as a lighter workout day in more challenging PATHFINDER programming.
SET 1:
SET 2:
SET 3:

Did this in the morning. Great full body workout. You get out what you put in.
“You’ll do three sets of exercises in a row without taking a break. After you complete a full round of each set, pause for a 2:00 minute break.”
This looks like a great basic workout, but respectfully, it’s difficult to figure out the action sequence based on these instructions.
My best guess is that the recommended way to do this is: (a) the 30 reps in SET 1; (b) 2:00 minute break; © the 30 reps in SET 2; (d) 2:00 minute break; (e) the 30 reps in SET 3.
Doing (a) through (e) comprises one Round. The recommendation is to do three rounds if you’re new to PathFinder, or 4 or more rounds if you’re more advanced, already in good shape, etc.
However, you can also read that sentence to say you should NOT take those two-minute breaks during a round, and only take them after the round is complete.
Do you do each set 3x or go through all three sets and then do all three sets again, 3x?