PATHFINDER Horizon | W10D5 Core WOD "3:60"

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Today's Core Workout is focused on abdominal and core endurance. Each exercise you'll complete requires 3 rounds, of 60 seconds each. You can choose to knock them out continuously, or you can rest for up to :20 seconds between each exercise. 

As always, read the workout fully before attempting it, and make sure all your questions are addressed, either by posting to your Horizon class page or a simple google search.


Ruck 1 mile, easy pace

  • 20 x Cross Body Toe Touches - standing, kick your leg up and touch your toe or shin with your opposite hand. If you get tingles through your hamstrings, back off on the high kick. We're just warming up here.
  • 20 x Sumo Squat Side Crunches - hip wider than hip's width, toes pointing slightly outward, sumo squat. Arms up with your hands gently behind your ears, crunch first to the left, and then to the right. 20 hard-count
  • 20 x Sumo Squat Side Punches - staying in Sumo, alternate cross-body punches to the left and the right. 20 hard-count
  • 20 x Hip Rotations - 20 hip rotations out to the left, and then reverse to the right

THE WORK x 3 sets @ 60 seconds each movement


Stretch focusing on your abs, holding each stretch for up to :30 seconds.