PATHFINDER Horizon | GORUCK Star Course Minneapolis City Guide

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Minneapolis Star Course - 50 Miles
By Emily Baggett


2018 Event

  • Hashtags (these hashtags/locations were obtained from teams via Instagram – it appears that there were 17 waypoints)

    1. #boomislandpark (Boom Island Park)
    2. #streetcar (Minnesota Streetcar Museum Car Barn)
    3. #fortsnelling (Historic Fort Snelling)
    4. #raspberryisland (Raspberry Island)
    5. #cathedralofstpaul (Cathedral of Saint Paul)
    6. #minnesotastatecapital (Minnesota State Capital)
    7. #weismanartmuseum (University of Minnesota)
    8. #guthrietheater (Guthrie Theatre)
    9. #minneapoliscityhall (Minneapolis City Hall)
    10. #americanswedishinstitute (American Swedish Institute)
    11. #peavyplaza (Peavey Plaza)
    12. #stmarysbasilica (Basilica of Saint Mary)
    13. #spoonbridgeandcherry (Minneapolis Sculpture Garden)
    14. #eloisebutlerwildflowergarden (Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary)
    15. #theodorewirthbeach (Theodore Wirth Lake Beach)
    16. #victoryflagpole (Victory Memorial Parkway)
    17. #sheridanmemorialpark