The Challenges
About the challenges.
Pass Selection Standard Test; OR, Attempt the standard test, and show improvement, four times.
- 2 Minutes: Minimum 55 Push-Ups (Proper Form)
- 2 Minutes: Minimum 65 Sit-Ups (Proper Form)
- 5 Mile Run in 40 Minutes or less OR
- 12 Mile Ruck in 3h30m or less (Pick either run OR ruck – only one is required)
- If GORUCK Selection is in your future, this should be a major component of your training.
- Use your PT test score to monitor your progress throughout the twelve weeks.
Ruck a total of 36 miles before or after a workout (minimum of 4 miles for one individual post).
- (i.e. 6 pre-workout rucks @ 6 miles each, or 9 pre-workout rucks @ 4 miles each, etc)
- This challenge gives you more practice wearing the ruck for longer periods of time, and encourages you to ruck and PT in succession.
Mountain ruck > 10 miles (at once). Ruck on trails in a mountainous area – hilly with rough terrain.
- This will work different muscles than you typically work when rucking on flat sidewalks.
- No paved trails allowed!
Overnight ruck > 20 miles (at once). Start at some point during the night, and don’t stop until you reach 20 miles.
- Get used to rucking in the dark and wearing your ruck for a longer period of time.
- Practice night vision and use of your head lamp ONLY when required (red filter preferred).
Move 80 Pounds Of Coupons For Every 2 Men In Group > 10 miles.
- One person could choose to carry a 40lb sandbag alone, three people would be required to move 120 pounds, etc.
- Practice creative ways of distributing the weight.
Ruck a distance of 12 miles in 3.5 hours or less (17:30/mi pace)
- Get used to pushing a quick pace on a ruck.
- Learn your pace and practice without your watch.
- Learn to judge distance by time and pace.
Marathon Ruck (Ruck >= 26.2 miles with full challenge weight)
- Get used to wearing your ruck for a long period
- Practice hydration and nutrition
- Test your gear and learn how your feet react to extended rucks.
- Practice blister prevention.
- Great opportunity for fellowship with the team
Ruck 100 miles on top of the basic requirement (total of 200 miles in 12 weeks)
- Set a higher goal for yourself and ruck on!
- If GORUCK Heavy or Selection is in your future, this one should be a no-brainer.
Score a minimum of 250 on the APFT
- Age/Gender weighted
- You must score a minimum of 60 in each of the following events:
- 2 Minutes: Maximum Push-Ups (Proper Form)
- 2 Minutes: Maximum Sit-Ups (Proper Form)
- 2 Mile Run
- Use this scoring calculator: