Programming Updates

Updated: 8/4/2020

Changes, additions, and removals impacting published programming standards and requirements.

If you have any questions about any of these changes, please contact your Course Advisor directly or email us at

Changes to Current Program Requirements

  • Challenges Removed/Retired

    1. High-mileage Challenges

      • Advanced: the double and triple mileage Challenges have been  removed from the program. Rosters will no longer be able to earn a Challenge credit for rucking over 200 miles during the program.

      • Endure: the double and triple mileage Challenges have been removed from the program and replaced with a Max Mileage Challenge of 200 cumulative program miles. Rosters will no longer be able to earn a Challenge credit for rucking over 200 125 miles during the program.

      • Forward: the triple mileage Challenge has been removed from the program. The 150 Mile double mileage Challenge is still available. Rosters will no longer be able to earn a Challenge credit for rucking over 150 miles during the program.
    2. UBRR Test/Improvement Challenges removed from Advanced
  • Additions/Betas

    1. New "Firefighter Challenge" (stairs) for Forward, Endure, and Advanced - Details to be released soon.