We hope you love the products we recommend! All of the products are things we, as PATHFINDER, personally own and use. Just so you know, PATHFINDER may collect a small share of sales or other compensation from the links if you decide to shop from them. Prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication.
It's Amazon Prime Day today and tomorrow, and we wanted to highlight some items that we think are really worth the hype. Of course, deals move fast, but we'll try out best to keep things up to date as much as possible.
You do have to be an Amazon Prime member to get these discounts, so if you're not already, sign up for your free 30-day trial here.
1. Garmin Fenix 6 Pro, Premium Multisport GPS Watch
The Garmin Fenix is one of the best multisport watches out there. With a solid $100 savings currently, if you're looking to make an investment in a dependable watch with some incredible features, you may want to check this one out!
Garmin Fenix 6 Pro, Premium Multisport GPS Watch
Looking to spend a little less? We like the Garmin Instinct Solar too, also on sale with $150.00 savings!
2. Marchway Floating Waterproof Dry Bag
The price has dropped 20% on this guaranteed waterproof dry bag. These are crucial to have in your ruck during Events and just great to have at the beach, on family trips, or after sweaty gym sessions when you don't want to carry (or smell) your clothes after you change!
Marchway Floating Waterproof Dry Bag $9.58
3. Nuun Sport: Electrolyte Drink Tablets, Lemon Lime, 4 Tubes (40 Servings)
Currently 45% off, this is the best price we've seen on what we consider is a ruck staple. These tubes are easy to carry and drop into your separate electrolyte water bottle (don't put this in your bladder!) to keep going in the heat.
Nuun Sport: Electrolyte Drink Tablets, Lemon Lime, 4 Tubes (40 Servings) $16.53
4. ExOfficio Underwear : The Give-N-Go Line
Some of the best athletic anti-chafe undies around. Need we say more? Save 30+% on these!
Women's Give-N-Go Bikini Brief
5. XTEND Original BCAA Powder: Sugar Free Watermelon Explosion

6. NordicTrak T-Series Treadmill

This rain jacket is one of our total favorites. At 37% off right now, it feels like a steal. The fabric really holds up to a ruck on your shoulders and back and doesn't pill up like other fabrics do. It's also ultra-easy to fold up in your ruck when the weather clears.
Marmot Women's PreCip Rain Jacket $62.99
8. Marmot Men's PreCip Rain Jacket