Time to get after it! We've got a pyramid workout for you today.
- Jump Rope (if you don't have one, just jump in place)
- Ruck or Weights
- :20 x jump rope
- :20 x butt kicks
- :20 x jump rope
- :20 x jumping jacks
- :20 jump rope
THE WORK x 2 - 3 Rounds
- 16 x Ruck Swings
- 14 x Ruck Sumo Jump Squats (holding ruck in arms)
- 12 x Ruck Thrusters
- 10 x Burpees w/ Ruck Hop (burpee, jump over ruck on ground, burpee on other side)
- 8 x Ruck Un-Even Push-ups (rest one hand on ruck, other hand on floor; push-up)
- 6 x Ruck Romanian Deadlift (single leg)
- 4 x Pike Push-ups
- 2:00 plank
- 4 x Pike Push-ups
- 6 x Ruck Romanian Deadlift (single leg)
- 8 x Ruck Un-Even Push-ups (rest one hand on ruck, other hand on floor; push-up)
- 10 x Burpees w/ Ruck Hop
- 12 x Ruck Thrusters
- 14 x Ruck Sumo Jump Squats (holding ruck in arms)
- 16 x Ruck Swings