Monday has arrived. Not sure about you, but it's definitely feeling like Groundhog Day around here. Time to shake it up! This workout can be done indoors or outdoors in your own space. It can be done with or without a ruck, depending on your fitness level.
- Ruck or Weights
- 15 Inchworms
- 10 Air Squats
- 15 Push-ups
- 20 Lateral Lunges
- 20 Forward Lunges
THE WORK x 2 - 3 Rounds
4 Minute Tabata / 20 sec on + 10 sec off:
*I use GymBoss app, but there's lots of free gym timers out there to help make the timing easier.
- Burpees
- Mountain Climbers
4 Minutes of Strength
- :30 x Push-ups (BeMOD: on knees AdMOD: with ruck)
- :30 x Ruck Ground to Overheads (Mod: dumbells or kettlebell)
4 Minute Tabata / 20 sec on + 10 sec off:
- Speed Skaters
- Jump Squat with Heel Click (squat, jump, click heels together at the top of the jump)
4 Minutes of Strength
- :30 Man-Makers
- :30 Ruck Swings