Happy weekend! Hope everyone is holding up well today and getting in the groove of their new normal. Today's workout will be a little longer since we have the weekend. If you work today or just have less time, do a portion that fits your schedule.
- Ruck OR weights of your choice
Get outside if you're able to ruck a mile or two to loosen up and get warm.
If you have any cardio equipment at home (like a rower, treadmill or bike) that you haven't used in a while, hop on that for about 10-20 minutes, going slowly at first, picking up speed as you warm up.
OR Speed Warm-up
- 10 x Forward Leg Swings
- 10 x Lateral Leg Swings (Standing, swing leg across to opposite leg)
- 10 Hip Circles (Begin left, then reverse for 15 x right)
- 15 x 4-count High Knees
- 15 x 4-count Butt Kicks
- 15 x 4-count Air Squats
- 15 Low Lunges (or whatever your knees will allow)
- 15 Push-ups
THE WORK x 3 - 5 Rounds
- 15 x Plank Jump-Ins (wearing ruck or not - your choice.)
- 15 x Ruck Overhead-Press Squat-Jack (Feet hip width apart, holding ruck/weight at your chest, elbows bent. Jump feet out wide, bringing ruck overhead as you squat. Reverse back to start for 1.)
- 15 x Ruck-to-Chest Lunges (Holding ruck to chest - either hug style or hands on top and bottom of ruck. ALT: Dumbbells can also be used for this movement, but keep your arms dropped.)
- 10-15 x Turkish Get-Ups (demo) (Left side round 1; Right side round 2; split the difference if you end on an odd round count)
15 x Single Arm Deadlift to Overhead Press Ruck Lifts
15 x Single Arm Deadlift to Overhead Press Ruck Lifts - Opposite Arm
- 15 x Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 15 x Reverse Crunches (laying on your back, legs gently bent upwards, use lower abs to lift legs off the ground)
- 1:00 Plank (+/- adjust for skill level)
- 15 x 4-Count Flutter Kicks