During April, we've decided to add a "Finisher" component to our workouts, just to spice it up a little bit. This month, we will be working on core strength. It doesn't necessarily have to be done with the workout, but can be done even hours after your workout - like a little mini session. Let's begin...
- Ruck or Weights
- Ruck the distance and speed that feels right for you today. At least 1 -3 miles.
- If you are stuck indoors, do the following:
- 1:00 High Knees
- 1:00 Butt Kicks
- 1:00 Push-Ups
- 1:00 Air Squats
- 1:00 Jog in Place
THE WORK x 3 Rounds
- 5 Ruck Turkish Get-ups
- 40 Mountain Climbers
- 15 Ruck Overhead Squats (One arm. Ruck held by hand overhead against external forearm, bend into your squat with non-ruck arm laterally straight to balance effort. Core tight!!)
- 15 Ruck Lateral Side Lunge
- 1:00 Wall Sit
- 15 Ruck Deadlifts
- 15 Ruck Side Bends (standing straight, holding ruck with one arm, laterally bend your core to the ruck side and up. On second round, other side)
- 15 Ruck Chest Presses
- 15 Push-Ups
- 1:00 Wall Sit
- 15 Lunge Step-Ups (this can be up a step, stairs, anything you can safely step-up on)
- 15 Burpees
- 15 Donkey Kicks (each side)
- 15 Fire Hydrants (each side)
- 1:00 Wall Sit
FINISHER x 1 Round
- 80 x Toe Touches (laying with back on the floor, reach hand up to touch opposite foot)
- 1:00 Plank w/ Leg Lifts
- 30 Leg Raises